Humanitarian Integrated Food, Income and Livelihood Programme in Bidibidi Refugee Settlement is a three-year project implemented in partnership with Caritas Norway (CN) with support from the back donor, the Royal Norwegian Embassy in Kampala.
The project is implemented in Bidibidi settlement zone 2, having 11 villages, zone 4 having 6 villages and in sub counties of Kochi, Lori and Odravu. The primary Purpose & Goal is a decent livelihood and food security among refugees and host communities in Bidibidi refugee settlement.
HIFILP program reaches out to 12,000 households (70% Female headed and 30% Male headed HHs); 70% are refugees and 30% host community households. Enrolment Started in 2023 with mapping of 4500 participants and later 7500 under addendum funds giving a total of 12000 participants.
Project Approach: 1. The project uses farmer fields school approach to train farmers. 2. Program Agronomists and Community Based Farmers Animators each Agronomist handling 80 groups with CBFAs handling 2 groups comprising of 60 members
Evaluation: Routine program monitoring, quarterly, midterm and end of year reports on each indicator are produced. Joint monitoring of the project by stake holders such as Yumbe District, Office of the Prime Minister (OPM), livelihood partners.

Project Activities 1. Follow up and Registration on farmer groups and Community farmer field schools 2. Workshops and trainings on agronomic practices, climate change mitigation, Functional Adult Literacy, fish farming and management, entrepreneurial skills and post-harvest handling. 3. Material and Equipment Support: planting materials and nutritional seed kits, tree seedlings and energy-saving technologies. 4. Land and Production Support; Strengthen 150 VSLA groups in governance and financial management, provide saving kits and link VSLA groups to financial institutions, organize market linkage forums and disseminate market prices to 12000 targeted participants. 5. Water and Irrigation: Train 4500 participants on water harvesting and conservation, construct 3 water reservoirs and procure irrigation materials, undertake a survey on water availability for establishing reservoirs. 6. Advocacy and Networking

Home Kitchen garden training

Partners Norwegian Embassy, Caritas Gulu – Aqua culture school for Fish farming, Yumbe District, OPM and Adraa Agricultural college

Funders Caritas Norway

Program impact

Program Activities

Proud to have acquired Education through Caritas Uganda in Partnership with Caritas Norway

Caritas Uganda staff do a monitoring and evaluation activity of HI-FLIP program in Yumbe District.

The program has a component of value addition. This helps farmers to get higher profits from their farm outputs.

Caritas Uganda and Caritas Norway representative pay a monitoring visit to the Yumbe Demonstration farm. In picture is the manure plant at the farm

Poultry farming at the demonstration farm school

Training demonstration gardens at the farm school