Tororo Archdiocese

His Grace Archbishop Emmanuel Obbo
Bishop of Tororo Archdiocese
Read more about Tororo Achidiocese

Caritas Tororo

Caritas Tororo is the social development and humanitarian relief organization of the Catholic Archdiocese in Tororo, Eastern Uganda. We have been operating since 1982, as part of the larger Caritas Uganda network. Read more

Caritas Jinja

Caritas Jinja is a social services and development arm for Jinja Catholic Diocese which covers 11 Districts of Busoga Sub-Region located in the eastern part of Uganda. It operates under the auspice of Caritas Internationalis and Caritas Uganda in particular. Caritas Jinja seeks to embody the values and the concept of the Uganda Human Rights Commission, of Integral Human Development (IHD), a rounded approach which focuses not only on economic well-being, but also on the physical, social, psychological, environmental and emotional needs of the people. Read more

Caritas Moroto

Caritas Moroto Diocese (CMD) is a Christian non-profit making organization which was founded in 1981 as a technical arm of the Diocese to respond to the prolonged drought and subsequent famine that struck Karamoja region and killed thousands of vulnerable people. Our current programs are in the five districts comprising of Moroto, Napak, Nabilatuk, Nakapiripirit and Amudat. Our strategic focus areas include; Livelihoods, Human health and Nutrition, Water, Sanitation and Hygiene, Land and Environmental protection, Social Protection, Education, and Culture and Traditional Antiquities. Read more

Caritas Soroti

Soroti Catholic Diocese Integrated Development Organization (SOCADIDO) is a development arm of the Soroti Catholic Diocese. We are an affiliate to the wider family of Caritas Internationalis, and the National chapter, Caritas Uganda of the Uganda Episcopal Conference. Our legal holder is the Bishop of the Soroti Catholic Diocese. We were founded in 1981. SOCADIDO operates in Soroti, Kumi, Katakwi, Kabermaido, Amuria, Bukedea, Serere and Ngora districts. We seek to ensure the availability of, and access to, social and economic services by the communities in the Teso region, Eastern Uganda.